Draw 1 question from bank always draws the same question?

Nov 03, 2020

Hi, can anyone help me with a question bank? I have a question bank of 3 questions, and a 'draw 1 from bank' slide in my course that launches from a button. I want the learner to be able to draw random questions by clicking the button. When I preview or publish the course, the first time the button is clicked, a random question is selected. But every time the button is clicked after that, the same question is presented. How can I get around this?

2 Replies
Rebecca Evens

Thanks! I don't really want to set a complete course trigger though as there several question banks in the assessment and I only want the course to be complete when they have answered a correct question in each category. But I seem to have got around it by adding in a results slide for the question banks and resetting the quiz on every page.

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