Duplicating an Existing Question Bank

Feb 26, 2014

Is it possible to duplicate an existing question bank?  Out of six questions that I have created in a question bank,  I'm trying to select only two of the questions to insert within my project in a Knowledge Check area. Next, I want to add the remaining questions into another section of the project. I wanted to avoid having to create another question bank from scratch. Thanks in advance for your responses.

8 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Linda,

You can copy/paste a question bank like a normal slide - and then you could choose to delete those other two questions or just remove them from the rotation. You could also copy/paste out the individual question slides and start a new question bank. 

If you use the "duplicate" button - you'll see new individual slides added and a new question bank - so then you could choose what to keep. 

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Carmelo.

Thank you for reaching out!

You can import a question bank from another .story project using the method and steps below:

  1. In your new project, go to FileImport > Storyline.
  2. Select the .story file that has the Question Bank.
  3. From the Insert Slides window, look for the questions under the Question Bank section and select all the questions.
  4. Click the Import button.

Let me know if you have additional questions!