Embedding Captivate Simulation - HTML5 and SWF Output

May 31, 2016

Hi, I am trying to embed a simulation created using Captivate 6 as a web object into my Storyline project. I need the simulation to be able to be viewed on a computer through a windows browser as well as on a tablet. For that reason, I have published the captive project as both SWF and HTML5 and embedded it is as a web object to my Storyline project. I have no issues playing the simulations in Chrome; however, when launching the course in Internet Explorer (I am currently on V10), I get a message saying that the content is not supported in the current Document Mode of Internet Explorer and to change the mode to Internet Explorer 9 standards. When I attempt to change the document mode, sometimes it will work, and sometimes it won't. This is a problem because it will leave the learner very frustrated, making for a bad learning experience. My understanding is that for Articulate content HTML5 output is only supported in Google Chrome for Windows browsers, but my assumption was that if you publish a Captivate project to both SWF and HTML5, then the learner's device would determine the appropriate output to use based on its capabilities. If this is the case, shouldn't the SWF version of the simulation play for me seamlessly without having to change the Document mode? What am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



2 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jennifer!

Are you creating two different published courses? Sounds like the issue is that you are trying to view the HTML5 content in IE, which would not be supported.

Here’s how Storyline determines which version of your content to display when learners view it.

You can see in the comparison here that the swf file would not be supported in HTML5 or AMP.

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