Enable next button based on two conditions

Oct 26, 2020

Hello everyone!

I am working on a project for a client. Many slides have the base slide and a layer, along with audio narration. The client wants his trainees to listen to the whole audio and also click on the slide layer before the Next button is changed to Normal and they can advance.

However, I am having a bit of an issue. I've made a video for those who would like to see it:


In a nutshell, if the trainee clicks the "i" icon for the slide layer before the narration ends, then the Next button is enabled. However, if they wait until after the narration or timeline ends, they are out of luck. I can sort of fix it by shortening the timeline in the slide layer and adding a trigger for the Next button to show after the timeline ends on the slide layer but then the trainees can skip the audio. The slide layer will not allow me to use the audio as a condition point... it only works on the base layer. I've attached a portion as a .story file as well.

Thanks for any help!

2 Replies
Garth Yorko

I created two variables per slide.  One T/F variable for the media completion and another for the timeline on the layer to complete.

I shortened the timeline on the layer to 2 seconds.

On the base layer there is a trigger to adjust the Media Completion variable to true when the media completes.

Also on the base layer is a trigger to change the state of the next button to normal when the Media Completion variable changes if both the media completion variable and the layer timeline variable are = to True

On the layer there is a trigger to adjust the Layer Timeline variable to True when the timeline ends.

Also on the layer is a trigger to change the state of the next button to normal when the Layer Completion variable changes if both the media completion variable and the layer timeline variable are = to True

This way the learner can click the additional information at any time and the next button won't change to normal until the audio is complete.

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