Enlarge an Image Starting at Full Screen

Mar 01, 2017

I'm totally loving Storyline, but there's one thing that's driving me crazy.  My client wants a slow zoom in on a product beauty shot. I can do this in PowerPoint, but I'm struggling to find a way to replicate it in Storyline. I can't do Zoom Region because the displayed text will fall off the stage. I've tried the Grow and Zoom animations, but they start small. I need the photo to start full screen, and then get larger, effectively zooming in.  What am I missing?

5 Replies
Drake Highlander

Thanks Rex. I really appreciate your help. Is there a way to get that shape to continue to grow beyond the edges of the screen?

I need to start with a photo that fills 100% of the screen, and then have it grow, simulating a zoom in. I've attached a PowerPoint that demonstrates what I need.

Zoom Region isn't an option for me because I need a text box to remain visible throughout the slide, while effectively zooming into the photo behind it.

Daniel Servan

Hi Drake,

As you can see the sample, you can really scale up the shape to your desired size.
That is the only workaround in Storyline. Storyline doesn't support scaling of shapes / objects from the starting size to end size. The only way is to mimic the Tweening animation by covering the first few seconds of the animation.

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