Euro sign is not displaying correctly?

Feb 17, 2014

Hi all, 

I have a problem where I am switching symbols for a project, and everything was fine until I was checking through the published versions!

The € symbol isn't showing up properly at all. I've tried resizing, changing fonts, copying and pasting and inserting as a new symbol. 

The symbol just appears like this every time when I publish the file! If anyone knows a fix, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm fresh out of ideas of what to try next. :(

5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Karla,

I don't have that font to test it myself, but if you're seeing it within the .story file and then it changes during publish it doesn't seem like the same issue as the Articulate font has, where there is just no Euro symbol. Have you tested in another font to see if it appears correctly with a different font? 

Karla A


I have a working theory that having two font sizes in a text box is what was causing it. I found that if I made a new text box and set the size and font before pasting in the line of text with the euro symbol, it published out alright, but if I pasted in the rest of the text which included lines with smaller sized font, I got the same problem again. 

As a result I separated the line of text with the symbol from the body of text with a separate text box, and it worked fine. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Karla,

Thanks for the additional information, and just as a reminder this is how pasted text is handled in Storyline Update 3 (and later):

  • When you paste text into an existing object, Storyline uses your theme font.
  • When you paste text without first selecting an object, Storyline creates a new text box and uses the source formatting, including font.

So using the pasted text that is different may have contributed to the problem as you described. 

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