exporting variables to be read in a Google docs spreadsheet

Dec 06, 2012

I've seen Tom's helpful screencast on how to embed a Google docs form into a Storyline project. However, what I want to do is a little different. I'd like to be able to export the values of about a dozen variables from Storyline so I could see them in a spreadsheet the way I would if students entered those values into a Google docs form.

I've got a grammar assessment, and I want to export a student's name and either OK/NEED TO REVIEW/MIGHT WANT TO REVIEW for each of a dozen or so topics. Now, I could just use a final page screen in Storyline showing a student her status on these dozen topics and ask her to fill out an embedded Google docs form in which she basically copies the results manually. These are just initial assessment scores, and I'm not worried about honesty issues. However, this seems like a pretty klutzy way to do things. Would anyone be able to help me out with a suggestion for a better method? I don't know any JavaScript, and my familiarity with Storyline is fairly low.



142 Replies
Mike F

This is an old post. Hope someone is listening.

Trying to accomplish this, however, I'm not looking to use a Google form. I want to go straight to the Google sheet from SL2.

SL2 variables >>> Google sheet (cols)

Can't seem to make it work. Also, I can't find the Google "entry.xxxxxxx". How do you locate this from the Google sheet?


Christie Pollick

Hi, Edward -- If you click on the VIEW button in your email, shown below, it will take you into the threads. 

Once you are in the thread, under posts that you have authored, there will be an EDIT button. Simply click on that, remove the information you wish, and hit UPDATE REPLY in the bottom right corner of the reply box. That should do it!

Edward Yankwitt

I understand that. What I meant was how do I edit the info that is displayed on the threads as far as my name, phone numbers, etc.?
I don’t mind my name but I don’t want phone numbers to state lines on the thread


T/E III Edward Yankwitt
Employee Development Center
245 McKee Rd. Dover, DE 19904
(302) 857-5293 Fax:(302) 739-5751

Christie Pollick

Hi, Edward -- I'm sorry if there has been a miscommunication, but basically, to edit the info that is displayed on the threads as far as your phone numbers, etc., all you need to do is look for the EDIT button under your own posts in the thread itself. As you are the author, you are the only person with the authority to edit your own posts. 

You will see the following under any of your posts:

Reply   Edit   Delete   Quote   Flag   Spam   Bookmark

Simply click on the EDIT choice 2nd from the left, and the box will open up and you can delete any information you wish. Hope that helps! 

Christie Pollick

And Edward, the only other thing I can suggest if you choose to reply via email moving forward is that you would need to remove your signature information in your email itself before you send your response (so that it does not appear here in the thread when it is posted). Does that make sense?

Marie-Pierre Dionne

This is really helpful.  But can you describe the first steps?

-Getting a googledocs account?

-Creating a link?

-Then putting in the javascript into storyline to point to googledocs?

 These kind of steps would really be helpful. I am fearly new at this and I am not a programmer,



Parish.tracy@gmail.com Parish

I just posted, what I hope, is a step-by-step guide for making this work.  I based it on the posts here and what I learned from them gathering them together. There were a few of us that needed steps from the beginning and others that needed them only part way through.

Hope this helps anyone new to this particular forum.


Mike F

Mucho props for Tracy. She helped me get this up and running.

I wanted to add something here. Tracy mentioned that she is using IE8. So am I, but here is how I got it working. I added a dataType: "jsonp" to the script. It now works for me in IE8.



var player = GetPlayer();   
 url: "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ebGN0lrq2_DU24UtsQqpD9Zf64TZiPAFNDN9gu8MjlE/formResponse",
           type: "POST",
dataType: "jsonp",
           data: {"entry.340255159" :player.GetVar("FirstName"),