Facebook page

Oct 30, 2013

My question is not related to storyline. I would like to know the dimensions of the photo's that Articulate use on their Facebook page posts. Can anyone help with that?

3 Replies
Philip Arnfield

Thank you, one further question, can you tell me how you can link from the Facebook page back to your blogs? Facebook seem to have made that more difficult than it used to be.

I love that photo!

I found out by trial and error that when you have text on a photo you have to keep adjusting the size to get the size you ideally want on the Facebook page, otherwise you may loose some of the text in the Facebook crop.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Philip!

Links can be easily shared via quick links in blogs because most social media is integrated now. For example, this is what you would find below one of Articulate's blog posts:

If you were wanting to share on your own page, you could do all of this from within Facebook, just click share below the post you wanted to share:

You can also share links in your 'status' message and Facebook will automatically attach the link for you.

Let me know if you need anything further

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