Fast forward a video in a slide

Jul 07, 2015

Hi, I am currently evaluating Articulate Storyline to check it matches our requirements. I have created a quick example course by recording my screen and using the View step by step mode. Some of the recording sees me typing away on the screen.

I would like to fast forward the "typing" bits, as I'm not the fastest typist by far and it makes for tedious viewing, however I do not want to simply skip these either as seeing the text being typed is a really good effect.

Is this possible?


10 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Alex, and welcome to the community! 

To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a way to "speed up" the overall time of a screen recording and place it within a fast forward type of setting. The slide timing will reduce the overall duration on the slide itself and therefore remove part of the screen recording action - the same is true of using the action fine tuning within the screen recording to trim the video as shown here. 

You are welcome to share your thoughts with our Product Development Team in the form of a feature request

Alan Montague

I too encountered this need.

A very quick look in this forum showed a dozen or more of these and the stock 'You are welcome to share your thoughts with our Product Development Team in the form of a feature request. ' appears in most of them and many seem to indicate that they have done so.

Is this something that is under review? How can I add my vote for this?


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Alan,

Thanks for reaching out here. You can always post in the forums for things you'd like to see, but you can send in feature requests here as those go directly to our product development team for review and to determine if it'll be included in a future update or release. 

We don't share information publicly in regards to where features stand or a timeline in regards to when updates or fixes will be released. You can follow along with our Facebook and Twitter pages to stay up to date and we'll also share in the forums once we have information to share. 

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.