Font sizes drop in Storyline randomly

Jan 06, 2013

Over the past few weeks, I've noticed that text set to 15 point (a standard size throughout the course) was occasionally dropping to 12 point.  I thought at first I wasn't being careful or had made an oversight.  

After making corrections here and there over a period of days, I took the time to go through the entire course and set all text to 15 point.

I was doing a minor revision today when I noticed that about half the text throughout the course was reset set to the smaller 12 point size.  I don't mind spending another hour setting all the text back to 15 point, but I've lost confidence that the text size will remain 15 point.  I need a workaround and 12 points is too small for on-screen reading.

Anyone else noticed this behavior?

I've submitted a bug report 00311899.

35 Replies
Dianne Blake

Just to chime in, to make sure folks know the importance of this feature request: Here is what I see and I can't rest assured that people on my team who are using the templates I create will understand what they need to do to fix font size issues.

In my Master slides I set my title font to Arial 28 and the body text to Arial 20. Here is what happens:

  • Somehow Storyline likes the title size of 28, but keeps changing the body text to 20.5 on the Master slides. There are corporate standards that need to be met.
  • When I add a new slide using the slide layout, then this is what happens:
  1. The title size is 35 points when I click the text box, but says it is 28 when my cursor is on the text.
  2. The body size is 25.5 points when I click the text box, but says it is 20.5 when my cursor is on the text. 

The only way around this is to go into the master slide and change the size to something smaller. This is hard for people using my template to understand. So getting things to match up would be nice.  I do have the text box format set to "Do not auto fit".

I hope I won't have to buy a new version of Storyline to get this fix. If you have questions, I can recreate this issue every time.

Thanks for pursuing this issue.  

Andrew Kay

David Quackenbush said:

I am with you all!

I've been having the text box magic changing font issue since I began using Storyline 8 months ago.

Have any of you had the problem when the text box just stops wrapping text and stretches the text box out past the size of the slide?

That is another impossible issue.

Also I have noticed that whilst typing in a text box or selecting text etc, the font appears a different size than it ultimately ends up when you click out of the box.

Does anyone know if there is a request for a fix for this issue yet?

Thank goodness it's not just me.  The randomly resizing text is a real annoyance and just makes creating a course a longer process than it needs to be.

I'm sure the correct response to all this is "submit a feature request"

Susan Wilcox

I am having the same problem.  The real question to me is: why does Storyline do this?  Setting a text size should be a simple and reliable process.  There's nothing more frustrating than to get feedback that your text sizes are wrong after you've spent considerable amount of time making them the required size.  

Is asking for text size to remain set until changed by the user really a "feature" that needs a feature request?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Susan,

I'm sorry to hear you're having difficulty with the font sizing. As you may have seen throughout this thread, some of the issues were connected to users who were viewing content at a slide zoom other than 100% or a DPI setting not at 96 DPI as recommended.  Also, the text box properties are important to consider in terms of if the text is being autofit to the box.

Our team is also working on enhancing the text editing and formatting capabilities of Storyline, as it's something we've heard from a number of users as you see here in the forums. In the meantime, sending along the feature request is a helpful way for us to keep track of all the users who would like to see this updated behavior or if there is something specific you'd like to see within the text editing capabilities. 

Katie Riggio

Hi William,

I appreciate the extra clues and visual. So sorry you're facing this!

I'm having trouble recreating the experience in Update 41 at the same display in a few Radiance Multiple Choice slides.

We want to track down the cause of the random resizing and help keep your development running smoothly, so I'm going to connect you with our Support Engineers.

If you can share the project file from the screenshot, that would help us greatly. Please use this unique upload link to share it privately.

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