Formatting defaulting to Tahoma

Feb 08, 2013

Hi all

have any of you noticed that since the second upgrade the formatting is lost when copying text between slides?

I have the impression that it always defaults top Tahoma. I also noticed that only the text is copied. The attached formatting is lost. That was not the case in SL upgrade one...



7 Replies
Geert De Rycke

Hi Christine,


Up and running again.

Here in Europe there’s a flu epidemic, and I caught it L


I didn’t try that one.
Imagine the following situation.


·         I have a slide with a Panel on it which contains a text field (larger than the panel, so the scrollbar shows). The text field format is Calibri.

·         I copy the panel (with the text field) to another slide (copies fine)

·         I then copy a piece of text (also formatted Calibri  into panel, and the text loses all formatting (bullets etc) and I defaulted to Tahoma L


Steve flowers mentioned something similar a few weeks ago. I even replied on it...


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Geert,

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you're all better or feel better soon

Do you have the link for the thread where this was reported earlier? I can probably find it with some digging, if not. 

In the meantime, I'm going to test this and see if I can reproduce it using the scenario you mentioned.


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Geert,

Ok, just took a look at this. I'm seeing something similar, but not quite the same. 

I used the same font, Calibri to format text in a scrolling panel. I copied that over to another slide, no problems. I copied a bit of the text from within the scrolling panel and pasted it directly onto the slide and it reverted to Articulate font for me.

However, if I create a new text box and paste into that (instead of directly onto the slide) the formatting sticks. 

Can you try this out and see if that works for you, too?


Karyn Lemberg

Me too!

I've noticed this Tahoma popping in too - but I've been copying from a word doc (which is Callibri)  into storyline template which is set to another font.  

Its a new install of Storyline - so I didn't notice that it wasn't supposed to work like that!  was just frustrated about all the extra work on each slide until I saw this post. 

The headings kept setting to Bevan - which I don't even have installed on my computer.(might not be related as the template could've had it originally)

I'll see if I can test some more this weekend


Nancy Woinoski

I think the Tahoma issue has existed since day one. Just ask Phil Mayor about Tahoma if you don't believe me

It typically occurs when you copy text from an external document like Word. To avoid this you have to you the clipboard paste icon at the top left in Storyline to paste your text. Cut and paste shortcuts won't work which is a pain.

I have been having a lot of font issues today and one thing I noticed is that when you copy and paste text from one screen to another, it seems to default back to Tahoma. I think this might only happen with text that was orignially copied in from an external document but have not had time to test this theory.

@Karyn - One of the Articulate tempates uses the Bevan font so  I you are using that template it is coming from there.

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