Found bug after installation of update 1

Aug 29, 2012

When I paste or write text in NOTES area, words containing an apostrophe get rendered with a blank space (not needed) after the apostrophe itself. And in my language (italian) there many expressions thats use apostrophe!....



7 Replies
Lorenzo Consenti


The same happens with "

Try this in Notes area.

“Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication”.

After publishing:

“ Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication” .

Peter Anderson

Hi Lorenzo, 

How are you publishing / viewing the content - HTML5, web, LMS, other? I'm not able to replicate when publishing to Articulate Online and viewing in IE9. 

It would be really helpful if you could log your experience with our support team, including the details of how you're publishing / viewing the content. And on the second page of the case link, you'll even be able to record a screencast of the issue which would be much appreciated. Thanks for bringing this to us - we really appreciate the help!

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