Freeform Drag and Drop issues--required completion and drop states not working

Aug 27, 2017

I created a freeform drag and drop slide and am having two issues.

First, I have "User must answer" selected in the "Require" drop-down menu of the Question ribbon, and yet...when I preview the slide, I can click on the customized "submit answer" button and submit the interaction as long as I have dropped at least one of the examples (not all) into one of the answer boxes. How can I ensure that the learner cannot submit the interaction until ALL examples have been dropped?

Secondly, the "Drop Correct" and "Drop Incorrect" states are not working. Instead of the buttons turning red or green with white text (as they appear in the "Edit States" section), everything is white--text and shape fill. How can I fix this?

I have tried this multiple different ways, but I keep running into the same problems. I'm hoping someone can help!

3 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Havaleh

for the first issue, you could add a number variable (drops) that add + 1 each time one of the examples is dropped onto any of the 3 drop zones.  Set your custom submit button to a disabled initial state then trigger to change to normal when variable changes on condition variable = 29? I think you have 29 drag items. 

for the second issue - I have found if you maintain all the default states (Hover, Done, Visited and Disabled) when using drop correct/drop incorrect states - the drop states don't work correctly - but that is a personal observation only.  I always delete all the built in state I am not using.

Havaleh Havelka

Thank you, Wendy! Your suggestion to delete the unused default states worked perfectly!

And, I've added triggers to each example to add 1 to a variable when they enter the slide. Once the variable reaches 29, the submit button goes from disabled to normal. Technically, the learner could still submit the interaction without finishing the last example, but at that point it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Hopefully, my client will be okay with this fix!

Thank you so much for your help! I was spinning my wheels and I am so happy that this forum is an option.

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