Freeform Drag/Drop Issue

Sep 10, 2013

Greetings - doing some work with freeform drag and drops, and would like two answers to be allowed in each hotspot drop target.  I would like them to show up in a list below each other so that you can see each dropped item.

I set the drop target option as tile.

Here is an image of what happens:

I have also attached the file to see if anyone can see anything I am missing.

Why does it work correctly on the Withdraw hotspot, and not on the other three?


6 Replies
Carlos Rubinstein

Hi Brent,

I swapped targets for the 'withdraw' and 'follow' draggables, and found that the tiled behavior follows the 'withdraw' draggables, rather than the drop target.

The problem is that the text boxes are set to auto-resize, which gives them different heights, which gives them different behaviors when dropped on same-sized hotspots.

Set all the text boxes to "Do not Autofit", and then find the optimal box height that works for all the draggables. That should fix it.



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