Freeform hotspot areas and/or pngs - how to make only the visible interactive?

Dec 28, 2020

Greetings all -

I am wondering -  is a way to use a freeform hotspot or a .PNG image so that the transparent part of the image/hotspot is not interactive. That is, I only want the shape itself to be interactive and not the rectangle surrounding the shape.  



2 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Amy,

The freeform hotspot does exactly that - once you create the shape around the parts of your image, then only those parts will be interactive, even though there's a triangle around it before you preview it.

Take a look at this very short video - the green area is the hotspot, but when I preview it, the areas outside the hotspot are not clickable. 

I hope this helps,


Amy Nicholson

Hi Maria - Thank you! I see now - my problem was that, once clicked, the layer that the hotspot triggers is what is overlaying and preventing the other nearby areas from being clickable. I'll find another solution for that, but so great to know it's not the hotspot creating the problem. Phew :-) Thank you!