Gradients not displaying correctly in preview or publish.

Jan 18, 2018

Hi all,

As soon as I added gradients to my project a weird bug shows up.  Any ideas on this one?  It happens on every slide a gradient has been added.  Latest version of Storyline 3.

Here is the base layer and an overlay layer when working in the .story file:


Here is what it looks like in Preview/Publish:

I've attached a sample .story file as well.


2 Replies
John Smith

I was able to figure this out for anyone else experiencing the same issue.  It has to do with the stops in the gradient.



By default there are three gradient stops when you select "Gradient fill".  On my 2nd stop I had it to the 100% stop position.  I had not gone in and removed the 3rd stop.


Hope that helps!

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