Graphic Files - size or # of pixels?

Jan 11, 2016

I've asked for some corporate graphics from our marketing department (logos, etc.) for use in Storyline.  My marketing person wants to know if there are any minimums/maximums in Storyline for graphic size and/or number of pixels?  Help!

3 Replies
Michael Shannon

Shawna, Since you are working on web content then everything has to be at 72ppi. As Leslie stated it is a good idea to start with the size of your player. The closer you get to the actual size you'll need your graphic to be the better (although SL does a good job of resizing). As always, it is better to reduce an image inside SL than try to increase it's size as pixelation is a problem when upsizing a 72ppi image. There are some problems when downsizing a large amount, usually giving up some sharpness, but for the most part it works well.

As for a direct answer to the question on the maximum size of graphics you can bring into SL...that number is 2048 pixels by 2048 pixels. Size of your player has no bearing on this dimension.

And for the sake of clarity, if the image is photographic in nature, jpg is best. If the image is graphic in nature (your logo is a good example) then png is best. Some might argue that you could use gif for graphics, and you could, but for 99 percent of graphic imagery, I've found pngs to be the better choice. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Shawna,

It looks like Michael and Leslie have pointed you in the right direction here, and I did want to comment at least on the logo if you're adding it to the player, you'll only be able to include it at a maximum width of 200 pixels and a maximum height of 220 pixels, otherwise Storyline will scale it to fit. 

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