Has anyone created a screencast using a mobile device?

Feb 03, 2016

I'm thinking of creating a tutorial on how to use a mobile device - and the tutorial would be delivered through the phone.... so what I'd like to do is run Storyline 2 and Replay on my mobile device and create a screencast that shows me (my fingers!) interacting with the phone, showing people what they need to do to activate certain features on their mobile device.

11 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Christopher!

I'm not aware of a course to point you towards. 

I would advise utilizing a 3rd party tool to put a mirror image of your phone on your computer screen to capture as you wish. 

A free option you could utilize is Zoom and I'm sure there are others.

Hopefully someone will be able to chime in and assist.

Michael Hinze

There are tools available for both iOS and Android to mirror a mobile device screen to a dektop which can then be recorded. Reflector is one of many tools. Of course you can, as Christopher suggested, take screenshots and then `stitch`them together in Storyline. I take screenshots on my Android device all the time. Finally, you can completely `fake`an app`s interface in Storyline, as shown here.

Michael Hinze
Leslie McKerchie

A screenshot? I know you can take a still image on a Apple mobile device utilizing the Home+Power button. Not sure what that functionality is on an Android.


This may be different for other manufacturers, but on my Samsung Galaxy I have two options to take screenshots: 1.Press Power+Home and 2.Swipe your hand (not just a finger) across the screen.

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