Help! Can't open Storyline on iPad

Jul 10, 2014

Hello all,

I have been trying to open a large (350 mb) storyline file on an iPad and I'm having trouble getting the file to the iPad. Unfortunately, I have been asked to use Storyline to create a very large project, so I am unable to test it on the iPad using tempshare.

I have tried getting the file to the iPad through DropBox, but the tutorials I see here on the site all require the DropBox public folder - which is now only available to Pro users!

Does anyone know of any other tutorial or workaround to get this large file to an iPad? I'm just trying to test it right now.


5 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Nicole,

It sounds like the issue is the host at this point, so it may be good to look for some other hosting options.

I suggest using SCORM Cloud for your course - it's a great place to test SCORM content.

You're always welcome to try out Articulate Online, as well - it's available for a free 30 day trial.

If you try either of those options and still have trouble, please let us know.


Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Nicole,

Christine's options are a better idea, but I also wanted to address the issue of Public Folders in Dropbox. According to a Dropbox support page, you CAN still enable a public folder

They describe here why you don't need a public folder anymore (according to them), but the go on to say:

If you'd like to enable a Public folder on a new account, see the instructions below (Creating a Public folder) to learn more.

So, just wanted to throw that info up here for anyone who might find it useful.

Bo Toennesen

I've been thinking about it is possible to go a different way when the storryline files often are very heavy, because there are a lots of video files, and there are very large.

Let's say that maybe there are 10 video files in a production and the user maybe only wants to see two of them, then we have downloaded 8 about files we dont needed.!

In Storyline there is a function called Webobjekt?

Mayby we could link to the video files with the webobjekt inside a new slide for every video and set webobjekt to only download the file when clicked.

Could it be a possibility for large video files? Will it work on a Ipad?

What did the expert means about that way to do it?

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