HELP!!! How to require users to click modern player's play button to start the timeline on each slide in the course

May 08, 2024

I am creating a course in Storyline 360, and my client wants to require their users to click the play button to start the timeline for each slide in the course to meet an accessibility specialist's recommendation.  

I can not figure this out!

5 Replies
Andrew Hanley

Glad it worked Sarah :)

For accessibility, this is a bit of an overview, but its not bad for general information...

JAWS is the world leader for screen reader, but its expensive. NVDA is free but unfortunately Ive come to realise that NVDA doesnt work exactly like JAWS, so when Im designing courses for visually impaired learners, I now make sure to have 100% JAWS compatibility because all the real world users who rely on screen readers are pretty much using JAWS or some derivitive of it.

Hope that helps!