Help Needed - Dial turn and animate (at the same time)

Feb 27, 2023

I need to create an activity wherein a shoulder bone (dial) turns counterclockwise and slides down (animation path). Then when the user turns it clockwise, it slides upward. I need these actions to happen simultaneously and smoothly, not one after another. Any ideas or other ways to approach this?   

9 Replies
Math Notermans

Not 100% yet, as there is a weird flip at the end of a 360 rotation... but basics work...

Basically this code will rotate the bone...
 var swayBone = document.querySelector("[data-acc-text='Bone sway.png']");, {duration:0.1, rotation: "-=1"});

In my sample i do have more complex code, but will not bother you with that till its perfect.

The issue with Storyline is that it has no default 'MouseDown' option. Then you could use that and loop this code...and it would work. Now you either need to add a MouseDown event or use a drag like in the dial.