Hide Question Bank Until Portion of Course is Complete

Feb 12, 2013

I want to prevent learners from jumping to the learning assessment at the end of the course before going through the lesson material.  I do not have it in the menu, but I have known savvy learners to jump to the last section to get to the asessment quicker.  The course is mandatory and they must pass the test before receiving the certificate.  The ideal is that they review the material even if they think they already know it well enough to jump to the assessment.  Any suggestions?

8 Replies
Gwen Fuller

Thanks for that.  

Another question...What is it that I need to have selected to have slides "refresh" when revisited?  I have an text box entry slide where learners add their comment.  When they hit the previous button,and come back to that slide,  those comments are still there.   How do I give them another opportunity to write in that text box?

Peter Anderson

Hi Gwen!

Have you tried using reset to initial state? Use this option if you always want the slide to reset to its initial state when users return to it.  This means every time users view the slide, it will restart at the beginning of the slide’s timeline, and any interactive objects will return to their initial states.

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