Hover/Click and disappear

Dec 13, 2019

The above question refers to the layer called "agreement types".

I am trying to click (OR HOVER if clicking isn't an option) the boxes on the left and have the arrows and boxes on the right appear (it is happening now, but I can't go back to the top and start again- can only hover and show it once).  Then, I want the boxes on the right to disappear when I go to another box.  I thought this was the correct set up for hovering but it's not working right.  Also, would love to do the click rather than hover (without using a timeline and seconds trigger).  THANKS A TON! 

2 Replies
Jeff Forrer

I took a look at this.  There are some issues with timing and delay in showing your objects.  Also, if you want to be able to click vs. hover, you can, however you would need to add triggers to hide the other objects when showing the current object. (i.e. show button 1 box and arrow, then hide 2, 3 and 4s boxes and arrows etc.).

But before going to far, is there any reason why you have multiple slides in layers vs. putting each slide in a layer? You can use layers, but it makes it harder to manage everything you are trying to manage.

I ask because what you are trying to do would be much more manageable breaking all of your layers up into slides, that way you have more control and can use less triggers to accomplish what you are trying to accomplish.

Happy to help, just my suggestion ;0)

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