Hover color not working - Theme Color Settings (Control 1)

Feb 04, 2021

Hi all,

I have a problem about hover color of question choices. Whatever i change my control 1 color of Theme color setting, the hover state cannot show any color. It just remain the same as Normal state, which are without any color.


Is there anything i can do for it? Thanks.




9 Replies
Sandra Wong

Hi Leslie,

In my side, i could not visit the hyperlink of "Using Test Styles" to the right destination.

For storyline 360, Here are the attached picture. Could you please give any suggestions on my setting? Thanks.

Sandra Wong

Thank you for your assistance. In my side, the hover color of the selected radio circle was changed along with the Accent 5. But how can i do if we want to change the hover color of the Radio Rectangle as well? Attached is my testing file FYI, thank you!

Lauren Connelly

Hello Sandra!

I'm happy to help! If you're looking to change the hover color of the rectangle around the radio button, you'll want to edit the Hover state for the radio button.

After selecting the Hover state for the radio button, select the Radio Button Format tab. Next, select a rectangle format in the Shape Style section. Here's a quick look of these steps. Link

Sandra Wong

Thanks all.

But I'm still wondering about the question hover state. As the hover rectangle changes along with the theme color automatically in the past, but now could not do the same as before. (Is it related to the update of storyline 360?) 

In fact, i may need to deal with over hundreds of questions and still searching for the best solution for it. Thank you.