how articulate mobile player for android work

Oct 04, 2014

thank for the new storyline 2 for making the storyline player availble for android .. i download the player on my phone and i have cources i wanna run them on it but i don`t know how because all i have when i open the player a blank screen says no content .. any help

this screen shot from my  android phone

14 Replies
Michael Hinze

I assume by "offline course" you mean HTML5 content that was published with the 'Allow downloading for offline viewing' option selected in the Publish dialog. Such an "offline course" still needs to be downloaded from some URL the first the it is viewed. From then on, it can be accessed through the Player App, even if there is no cellular or WiFi connection.

Luc Labonte

I understand that this is currently solved, so I am just posting this in the case that someone runs into the same issue.

After running into the same issue trying to distribute the Storyline activity to 42 Android tablets with no stable internet connection or server access. I decided to use this:

Just drop the published folder onto the Android system via usb connection to the computer.

Open the file(amplaunch.html recommended but not necessary) on your android device with whatever file manager your using.

Open in browser will ask you what browser you want to use. And it should auto-magically open up AMP and treat it as though it was on an LMS.

Hope this helps someone.

Sheena Campbell

Luc Labonte, I have the same issue as you describe. Except that I am using SD cards to store the content.  We rely on people using their own devices (usually with a small amount of memory and very little or no access to the internet.) I downloaded the app. It has not been updated to support the most recent android versions and so when I tried to run the content, I got picture only but no sound. Have you, by any chance found another solution in the last 6 years

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