How can I change state of buttons after section is completed step by step

Sep 30, 2019

Hi there,

I'm new to Storyline and I'm trying to find the answer to 'How can I change the state of buttons after a section is completed step by step'.  I had a look to a couple of forums but it's like begin watching a movie after it started. People have already created triggers, etc and then there's a solution. 

Can you please help me step by step from zero? I have a menu with buttons locked. When section one is completed, the button of section 2 in menu should be unlocked, and so on. 

I'd highly appreciate your help. Thanks.

5 Replies
Ned Whiteley

Hi Nayeli,

In the attached example, I have created a four item menu where each button opens a new layer.

The initial state of the buttons for Menu Items 2, 3 and 4 is Disabled, so that only Button 1 will be able to be used to access the Menu Item 1 Layer. When the user clicks on Button 1, the first thing that happens is that the state of Button 1 is changed to Disabled (at this point, all buttons are disabled) and then Layer 1 is shown. When the user clicks on the Return to Main Menu button, the state of Button 2 is changed to Normal and then the Menu Item 1 Layer is hidden.

The menu on the base layer now has Button 2 accessible and all other buttons are disabled.  This process is then repeated for the remaining buttons to give you a step by step menu system.  Once all four layers have been visited, I have then changed the state of a previously hidden Continue button on the base layer to Normal, so that the user can proceed to the next slide.

This system would work just as well if you wanted to use separate slides instead of separate layers for each menu item. All you would have to do is to jump to the menu slide instead of hiding the layer in order to get back to your menu.

I hope this makes sense, but if you have any further queries, just post them here.

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