How do I force a layer to appear above a YouTube embed?

Dec 12, 2013

I am currently playing with Articulate for designing system support training, and have used the YouTube embed code to embed a website into the base layer of the Storyline file.  I'd like to use layers to add objects (arrows etc.) that will highlight the key elements.

When I add the iFrame code in the base layer, it works a treat, but when I add a layer, the iFrame is pushed to the top/front instead of remaining behind.

All tick boxes are unticked in the Layer Settings.

I have also tried adding  "?wmode=transparent" to the iFrame embed code, but that didn't work either.


5 Replies
Michael Hinze

Hm, not sure what I did differently, but here is a sample with a YouTube video on the baselayer and some randomn objects on another layer: . Is that what you wanted? The additional layer is called 1 sec into the baselayer's timeline (used an offstage object for that)

Tim Danes

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your quick response!  Yes, I can get it to work with YouTube as your example shows, however, I'm trying to do it with an alternative website URL in the iFrame code.  

So... with YouTube, it looks like this:

iFrame code - Standard embed code from YouTube

With a website, it looks like this:

The iFrame code here is: "<iframe width="853" height="480" src=""></iframe>"

As you can see, it pops up, then the layer gets sent to the back.



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