How do I pass multiple numeric values from Articulate Storyline to Moodle?

Jan 02, 2015

Hello all,

I created an Articulate 1 project which contains 4 separate mini-games.  Ideally I'd like to pass the user's score for each game to Moodle, as well as their overall score.  I found this helpful link and I started working through it but then I got stuck.  It seems that I cannot assign my numeric variable (i.e. the player's score) to the TextEntry. When I try to assign a variable from the list it only gives me other text variables.

Thanks very much in advance for any assistance you can provide.



16 Replies
Brian Gibbens

Hi Phill,


Good idea.  I tried that earlier and it still seems to have the same issue because the object created on the numeric slide is called TextEntry6 and it will only let me assign text variables to it.  I think that it is because it reads the user imput as a string instead of an integer?  I'm not sure.  Either way the problem is still the same.

Brian Gibbens

I successfully deleted the text entry field and replaced it with a numeric one.  The new problem is that I can't seem to alter the Submit Interaction Trigger.  It used to say "Submit Interaction Short Answer when timeline starts." Now it says "Submit Interaction unassigned when timeline starts".  There is no obvious way to assign it to something anymore.

Brian Gibbens

That was actually what I did.  Even if you create a numeric question, it still assigns it a text variable because it assumes the user will type in some text.  If I delete that one, and create a numeric input box I still have the same "submit interaction" problem mentioned above.  I can't assign it to anything.

Brian Gibbens

Storyline 2 is now installed and I was able to successfully attach a numeric variable to a numeric question.  Yay!  I'm still not sure how the values are given to Moodle.  I have 5 different scores I want to pass to Moodle but Moodle only has one spot in the gradebook for this game.  How will all the scores show up?  Where will they be?

Brian Gibbens

Hey, I got it to work, sort of.  I just added an additional trigger that will automatically jump to the next slide. (See screenshot of slide 2, attached)  It seems to work great now but I still see it flash through all of my fake quiz slides.  They aren't as hidden as I would have liked/imagined.  Is this typical?  Is there a way to hide them more completely?

I also verified that the values I wanted to be passed were in fact passed.  (See Scores in Moodle, attached).  I noticed the category called Score says my score is zero and the category called PlayonWords_2_12.2 says I failed.  What do these columns represent and is there a way to fix it so I pass and my final score shows up under the score column instead of the "Response 4" column.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Brian,

I'm glad you got this to work with Phil's help. In regards to the Flash, that is expected unfortunately, and the amount of Flash you see will depend on how quickly the slides are able to load and execute based on your system, hosting platform, internet, etc. You may want to cover the slides with another image so that the user doesn't see the fake quiz question. 

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