How to advance the timeline on the base layer when a lightbox is used on a slide?

Feb 02, 2015


I have a base layer on my title screen that has a sound file (intro) on it. After 2 seconds it displays an About this training page in a light box.  

This pauses the baseline and interrupts the sound.

Is it possible that the baseline proceeds while the light box appears?

5 Replies
Sjoerd de Vries

I looked at some discussions on this site and it appears there was a discussion two years ago with the same question.

I suppose it's not possible with a lightbox, though it would be a nice enhancement if it you can continue the baselayer timeline (at least control it). Currently I created a kind of lightbox view on the slide with the layer technique.


Sjoerd de Vries

Hi Ashley,

Yes I did that. I created the light box idea in a layer on the title screen. That works for now, but the pages in the lightbox slide (copyright in this case) are also used from a menu. What I wanted to have is the following option:


Title > displays the disclaimer/copyright after 2 seconds when it was not displayed  before. On the title screen I have an intro sound and it would be cool if that intro sound is also played when the copyright info is displayed.

After the customer viewed this information it closes it and I change a parameter HideCopyright is True. This prevents displaying this info when the customer returns to the title screen.

Then the customer follows the course and in the custom navigation menu I created there is a link to view the copyright again in a light box on whatever page they are.

As a workaround I now created the layer om the title screen to display the copyright page once. The title has the introsound that will be played also when the copyright is displayed in the layer. I left the other slides with copyright info untoutched, because these could be used in the course for the real LightBox View from the custome navigation menu. It's double work now, but I have now more control.

I just wanted to be sure if it's designed this way.

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