How to avoid bluring text on zooming?

Jan 05, 2013

Hello again!

I did some zooming on captions, and in SL preview it looks sharp and normal.

However, when I publish (for website) the zoomed text is blurred. Without zoom everything seems fine.

How I can avoid that effect? Increasing output quality will help? Which slider I should max if so?

5 Replies
Gerry Wasiluk

Hi!  Got a sample that you can post?

Are viewing the Flash version, a HTML5 version or with the Articulate Mobile player?

For your captions, are you inserting an Storyline caption shape and then editing the text in the shape or is the caption an image (with text) that you are inserting on the slide?

I've gotten great results so far with the former and blurred text with the later.

Gerry Wasiluk


I've gone back at looked at some of the things I've done (published only to Flash and iOS/Articulate mobile player) and see the problem with HTML5.

I've been playing around with a bunch of text/graphics options and have not yet come up with one that looks good as Flash and in AMP and in HTML5.

That said, for HTML5, I may be tempted to do the caption/text outside of Storyline as a high-rez TIFF image and import that in to Storyline.  That seems to look great in HTML5 when zoomed in (but still a tad fuzzy in AMP).

Gerry Wasiluk

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