How to disable the NEXT button only until the audio is done?

Apr 24, 2013

My client is concerned that learners will click next, next, next...without listening to the content... I am thinking that I would add a condition to the Next button that it would only be active after the sound plays... Is there an easier way? What if I put an invisable marker on the timeline for when the audio ends...and made that the condition that the next button worked?  Any advice appreciated. Thanks.

2 Replies
David Holley

Yes, actually you need to remove the "Next" choice from the bottom right side of the screen, click on the wheel and un-check "Nest". I also un-check "Previous" as well. You have to create a button with text called "NEXT" and add a trigger to it that says "Go to the next slide". Doing it this way, you can put it anywhere on the timeline you want, I usually make it active right about the time I say click NEXT to move on. This works very well. I know what you mean by click, click, click, done. Our medical device reps will do the same thing if you let them



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