How to Keep Button Hidden until Slide Is Visited

May 13, 2015

My client wants an index at the end of the instructional content so the learner can return to any unit and review it prior to starting the quiz. That's simple enough. I created the links back to the 5 units.

But once the learner is finished reviewing a particular unit, I want him/her to be able to return to the index without having to go through all the units again.

How can I make the "Return to Index" button appear only if the learner has completed all the content, which is at slide 6.15?

One thing I thought of was to make the normal state of the button white so it doesn't show up initially and make the "visited" state in color so it's visible only after slide 6.15 = visited. But I haven't figured out how to tell the button that slide 6.15 has been visited.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stephen, 

You'd set the trigger to change the variable on that last slide - and then you'll want a trigger on your button to change the state based on the value of the variable - you could begin by reviewing the tutorials here dealing with variables, and you may also want to share a copy of those slides so that we could take a look at what you've got set up. 

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