How to lock visited markers in 360 degrees image?

Feb 22, 2024

Hey heroes! I'm trying to build a quiz in 360-image using markers that trigger layers with questions. Is there a way to lock these markers after visiting the layers they trigger? Maybe using variables or JavaScript? There are points in the quiz and I can't prevent the learners from answering the same question again. 

5 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann

I'm assuming that the marker is showing a layer when clicked. 

  • I'd create a T/F variable for each question.
  • Create a "you already answered that" layer
  • You can use a T/F variable to track if they answered the question.
    • Example: varQ1answered = F. Adjust var to true when the quiz question layer is accessed.
  • With the T/F variable you can trigger the marker to go to the question layer on the condition that the var = False, else go to the "answered" layer

Something like that

Tom Kuhlmann

There's a lot to learn :)

I used lightbox slides because it allows me to use the built-in quiz questions. You can pull scores from the quiz questions using the results slide (see video above).

I'm not sure what you mean by prevent skipping the question with the cross button. But the variables conditions aren't met until all question variables are true, so you have some way to track the user and provide feedback and instructions based on that.

I'll record a quick tutorial to get you pointed in the right direction.