How to remove background audio playlist from some slides but not all.

Aug 25, 2023

I've created a playlist for my storyline course but I don't want the background audio playing for all of the scenes (e.g. quizzes). Is there a way to keep it for some scenes and delete it from others without having to remove the background music altogether? Thanks!

Pinned Reply
Lauren Connelly

Hi everyone!

Good news! I'm happy to share that we just released Storyline 360 (Build 3.81.31200.0), which includes a feature to control the background audio for each slide using triggers to play, pause, or stop the playlist.

This was highly requested, so we hope it serves you in your course creation! If you run into any snags, don't hesitate to contact our team in a support case.

4 Replies
Steven Benassi

Hi Erin!

Happy to share some insight on this!

Currently, that type of functionality with background audio would not be possible. However, we have a feature request logged that will allow authors to add custom triggers for background audio control. I'll include your voice in the feature report and will update this discussion if it makes it onto our Feature Roadmap!

Lauren Connelly

Hi everyone!

Good news! I'm happy to share that we just released Storyline 360 (Build 3.81.31200.0), which includes a feature to control the background audio for each slide using triggers to play, pause, or stop the playlist.

This was highly requested, so we hope it serves you in your course creation! If you run into any snags, don't hesitate to contact our team in a support case.