How to retrieve a very large video recording?

Nov 24, 2015

Talking about large file? I screen recorded a software walk through and it took me an hour of recording. The file size is outrageous! The storyline file with just one scene and 1 slide with 1 hour video is 7GB. I know it's impossible to publish this and extract the video in package folder. Is there other way to retrieve the video, just for my reference? I was able to open the story file and I was trying to play it and record it using a third-party software (Screencast). The problem is, I can't play it. It is not crashing but it won't play.

My machine:

Processor: Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-4570 CPU @3.20Ghz

RAM: 8.00 GB

OS: Windows 7 Professional 64bit

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