Hyperlinks added through Trigger Wizard - when the URL opens in new window, is there a way to control window size?

Dec 02, 2019

When I use the Trigger Wizard action:  Open URL/file when user clicks, the learner opens the URL in a new window. 

Is there a way to make the new window smaller so that the learner can still see the story window?

1 Reply

I don't think this can be done through the trigger wizard action of "Open URL.  However, you could trigger JavaScript instead to open a URL in a new browser window and specify the size.

For example, the following JavaScript will open the W3Schools page about the window open methodology in a new 300 pixel by 300 pixel browser window:

window.open("https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_open.asp", "", "height=300, width=300");

Basically, the JavaScript command is "window.open". Inside of the () you first place the URL, followed by a window name (left blank in my example as the webpage will override this anyway) and then the desired width and height in pixels.

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