Import Storyline into Articulate Studio

Jul 20, 2012


Is it possible to import a Storyline project into Articulate? Would any functionality be lost? What are the implications?



6 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hi Stephen, welcome to Heroes!

Great question. If you insert the Storyline course as regular web object, then yes, the Storyline content would need to be hosted somewhere online. 

Something you might want to try though (and I haven't tested this myself yet), is inserting the Storyline content as a local web objectWhen you insert a local web object and then publish your presentation, the web content is contained within the /data folder of your published output. Wherever you place your published output, you don’t have to worry about the web object breaking, because it’s part of the files within your course.

Might be worth looking into...

Good luck

Stephen Doone

Hey, Peter, inserting Storyline content as a local web object works perfectly, whether publishing to Web or to LMS. It's important to set the player properties in Storyline to not include the PREV and NEXT buttons or any of the other player features prior to publishing the Storyline slides. Thanks for the tip! This is great!

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