Impossible to import PPT

Nov 10, 2021


I can't import a pptx in storyline 360.

I followed the procedures of the help to solve the problem (office repair ...) but without success.

Can you help me please ?


6 Replies
Becca Levan

Bonjour, Sandrine! Welcome to E-Learning Heroes 😊

I'm happy to help troubleshoot this snag â€” Let's jump in with these tactics:

  • Try renaming the PowerPoint without any spaces, then import again.
  • Take a look at these reasons why you might be seeing this error and see if it provides any clues.

If there isn't improvement after walking through those steps, could I have you share the PowerPoint file with us here? We'd be happy to test this out for you!

Looking forward to your response so we can keep at this!

Becca Levan

Thanks so much for sharing your PowerPoint file so I could test it! I was able to import your PowerPoint into Storyline 360 without issues. 

  • Could I have you save the attached PowerPoint to your local drive and try importing again, but this time only try importing a few slides at a time?

I've also attached the .story file to this post for you to take a look, so let me know if it looks good on your end!