Info about not answered questions before submit

Mar 06, 2015


We use question bank for test(storyline). Now we do not submit anwers separately but just navigate to another. At the end all answers are submitted when quiz is finished anyway - if someone didn't answer for some questions, there would be just no points(same like the answer would be wrong). It is used with bank of questions so it is another difficulty.

I am looking for solution, where we could give information to user before final submit that f.e. question no. 1 and 5 is not answered and he can go back and answer or submit anyway knowing that it would be no points for that.

There is no ready to use solution for that in storyline but maybe someone of you has done sth like this or similor - if yes, please share your experience with us.

Thank you and regards, 



7 Replies
Mitty Moolman

Hi Leslie, i have a similar question to Damo's. Is it possible to get some kind of popup or reminder on the slide that the trainee has not answered - that will remind them that they have not chosen an answer. I thought that way it might be possible to remind them as they go, that they did not select and answer. And then by adding in the final step as you suggested above as a fail safe? Is there any way to remind them exactly which questions they did not complete? :) Many thanks in advance !

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mitty! If you allow your users to skip and have the option to Submit All, then there will be no warning to the user. In addition, if you require all answers and have Submit All, you will only get a generic warning about all the questions not being answered, not an alert to which ones need to be addressed.

If you wish to have feedback per question, you would need to submit one at a time, although this option does not allow for any additional review at the end of the assessment.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jennifer and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Thanks for reaching out and sharing that you would like to create a similar set-up in your project.

Damo's reply is a bit dated and I'm not sure if he was able to find a solution. You are welcome to reach out to the user directly via the 'Contact Me' option on the user profile if you do not hear back soon.

I look forward to hearing other ideas from your fellow community members as well.

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