Is batch "change picture" possible?

Jan 03, 2014

Is there a way to batch change a picture? I have an image used in 106 slides that now needs to be switched from french to english.  Can i change all instances of this image at once, or do I have to change each of the 106 images individually? 

Thank you!  

14 Replies
Brett Rockwood

Hi Sarah,

I'm kind of late to the party but would like to suggest you add a feature request for this very useful capability. There are lots of good reasons for linking graphics rather than embedding them. You mention the ability to make updates quickly but it also helps keep the Storyline file size smaller which makes opening, closing and saving files faster; it allows teams to share the same graphics when working on multi-module projects; and it allows a graphic designer to tweak or update graphics in parallel with the instructional designer who puts the project together knowing that any changes the graphic designer makes will automatically be reflected in the published output of the SL file.

I'm a champion of getting this capability added to Storyline as it's such a powerful feature so I hope you can add your voice via a feature request.

Eitan Teomi

This is a must have! the choice to create a monolith storyline file instead of a file linking to images is pretty much destroying any chance for agile development between developers and graphic designers.

Also - a shout out to Brett that said it first - it will also make backups and file management easier with Storyline files that can easily become very large in size.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Eitan - this forum discussion is a bit older, but it's always good to know how the behavior is impacting individual users when we evaluate feature requests and product improvements. You can also share your thoughts on these features here. Just another option to get them in the hands of our product team! 

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