Issue with markers in Storyline 360

Apr 25, 2019

I am not sure when this happened but when I place a marker on a slide it does not show the description even though I've entered text in that box. Please help.

5 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hello, Hector! Happy to help. So that I can try to replicate the problem, can you make a short Peek 360 screencast of what happens when you preview the slide with the markers? Do you see the title when you hover over the marker? What happens when you click on it?

Also, if you have a small example file with a slide that has markers with this issue, you can use the Add Attachment button to share it here for me to test. Thanks for the help!

Hector Flores

The link below is for the peek recording

I exported the one slide in the peek recording. When I exported the slide it did now showed the background. At that point the hot spot worked. When I restored the background then it stopped displaying the description field. I attached the slide to this update.

Best Regards,

Hector Flores

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Hector,

Thanks for including that Peek 360 video here for us! Really helpful to see what you're seeing.

I think the rest of your reply was cut off though - did you mean to share that one slide here with us? If so, those attachments won't be sent when responding via email, but it did include your email signature when you replied. You can remove that if you would like by clicking Edit beneath your response. Here’s a quick Peek video if you need help.

If you can upload the file for us, click here to visit the E-Learning Heroes discussion.

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