Issues with Adobe Captivate MP4s in Storyline

Apr 24, 2020

Hi All,

I have been creating software simulations in Adobe Captivate and exported the MP4s into Storyline for years now. I've recently been having trouble where the MP4s are showing up skewed in Storyline, however they publish just fine and play normally outside of Storyline. Has anyone else experienced this recently? I've attached a sample of what I mean. The bad example screenshot shows what the video looks like in Articulate, and the good example is from Captivate. I am in Captivate 2019 and Storyline 360, both are up to date versions.

13 Replies
Vincent Scoma

Hi Stephanie,

Thank you for reaching out! 

How strange there is an inconsistency happening when importing your MP4 file. Just to rule this out, are media files and projects stored on a network hard drive? Working on a network drive or an external USB drive can cause erratic behavior due to latency. This guide provides more details when working on Storyline files:

If you are working locally and are experiencing this snag, please let us know! 

Lauren Connelly

Hi Stephanie!

I'm eager to investigate this! I haven't seen a similar error before with importing Captivate mp4s to Storyline 360. 

It sounds like the media plays outside of Storyline but not when imported into a Storyline course. Also, are you noticing this in every project you create with this type of build?

I'd love to take a look at the affected file. Do you mind uploading it privately to me? Here's a private upload link. I'll let you know when I've received it and will keep you updated with my findings!

Stephanie Tolbert

Hey Lauren,

I'd be happy to share with you! When I click your link it just takes me to the main support area though, can you try to share the link again?

You recapped the issue correctly. It seems to be happening in every instance of this website that I am recording (via software simulation) in Captivate and putting into Storyline. I am working on recording a different website now and hopefully it does not present the same issue.

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