JAWS has difficulty with questions

Mar 31, 2016

I have over 50 questions in a short Storyline 2 course (mostly multiple response with a few True/False). I have been very careful to ensure that the "zones" for each question response do NOT overlap - do NOT touch - and do NOT overlap with any text object. Yet, for every question, JAWS does NOT read the last response (whether there are 3 response or more), jumping over it to go on to the next text object. In some cases it will also not read the first response (A). And a few times, JAWS jumps into reading a middle response (C or D) before going to A ... even though they are all in A to E order. We have tried it on two computers - with different copies of JAWS. I have submitted a ticket to Articulate and a copy of the course but have not heard anything yet.

Anyone had this kind of problem and found a solution?


3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Scott!

Do you have a case number that I could take a peek at? I'm not seeing a recent case submission for you. If you did not get an auto-response to your submission, it may not have submitted and that could explain why you have not heard from anyone. 

E-mails would come from support@articulate.com, so be sure to check your junk/spam folders as well.

Scott Wilson

Hi Leslie,

Thank you for your response. I just checked and do NOT have an email response. I do NOT have access to email that has been filtered out by the agency SPAM filter. However, I have received emails from Articulate in the past.

I will try resubmitting the issue. It is a very important one, as "our feet are being held to fire" for 508 Accessibility and at the moment we are having serious issues with  Storyline and 508.


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