Lag in Timeline playback - Is it my computer or Storyline?

May 13, 2015

I am noticed that my animations were way off and when I went to playback the timing of the audio and the marker on the timeline were not in sync. The audio finished and the marker was still moving in the middle of the timeline.  I have noticed this issue off and on with Storyline.  My computer has 141GB of free space so that should be enough. Is this a bug? Should I reinstall? 

10 Replies
Heather Ross

Ashley - I was seeing it in the preview mode and in the Timeline mode for the individual slide.  I have not tried to publish.  The course is fairly large as it is a screen recording that I imported as a view mode and try mode - I will be deleting the unnecessary slides as I go. The end result will be view slides combined with try slides for student interaction to keep them engaged. I will try publishing it to see what happens. 

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