
Oct 10, 2012


Ii bulid a course where I use lightbox to present extra information. It's a trigger on a certain picture on the slide that leads to a lightbox. When I then proceed to a next slide I come to the lightboxslide. It's of course not the way I want it to be. The lightbox should appear only on specific slides after a user klicked on a specific picture. What do I do wrong? Why it appears as a part of the course?



24 Replies
Jeanette Brooks

Hey Olga, 

What a lot of people do is move the lightbox slide to its own scene, so that it doesn't appear in the linear progression of other content slides in your course. In Story View, you can right-click in the workspace and choose New Scene, and then just drag your lightbox slide to that new scene. (If your player includes a menu, you'll also want to hide the scene from appearing in the menu so that learners can't get to it by clicking on the scene or slide title. You can find out how to do that by viewing this tutorial and scrolling to the heading called "Removing Items from the Menu.")

Here's an example of a course where I used a separate scene to contain my lightbox slides:

Simon Perkins

I've never had a problem with lightbox behaviour before, but I've now got one that won't close.  Instead, it shows subsequent slides in the same lightbox even though 1) the lightbox is in a separate scene and 2) there is a trigger (the first one) to close the slide upon button press before the next trigger navs to the relevant slide.  Bit of a pain right now.

Jeanette Brooks

Hi L,

I'm not sure I quite understand where your lightbox resides or where it's triggered, but one thing that might be happening is that when you preview just  a single slide, lightbox content won't appear because it's on a slide other than the one you're previewing. So, you could try previewing the entire course (or just the scene, if your lightbox is in the same scene as the slide you're previewing).

If that doesn't help, you're welcome to submit a case to our support team so we can help you troubleshoot. 

Peter Anderson

Steve Lee said:

hey Simon,

did anything happen for you? My project is exhibiting the same behaviour... my lightbox slide is in a new scene. when the user clicks next out of the lightbox, the next slide stays in a lightbox too! weird.

Hi Steve

Any chance you could attach your .story file here, or send it over privately, so we can see how things are set up / behaving in your course?


Simon Perkins

Hey Steve

I didn't get round to submitting the files but a few other SLers looked at it and also couldn't fathom why it was misbehaving.  From memory we ended up creating a separate slide effect which did what we needed in the end.

I'm sure Peter and the guys will figure out a fix for whatever is happening to yours.

Peter Anderson

Hey Steve, 

Just wanted to take a quick shot before the support guys look into it: what happens if you untick the "Navigation controls" from your lightbox trigger in 1.3?

I don't have the correct answers to input to actually get to that feedback layer to test it, but thought it might be worth a test for you...

You should be hearing back from someone soon, regardless

Peter Anderson

Steve Lee said:

hey Simon,

did anything happen for you? My project is exhibiting the same behaviour... my lightbox slide is in a new scene. when the user clicks next out of the lightbox, the next slide stays in a lightbox too! weird.

Morning Steve!

Just wanted to share the solution John sent you in case others come across a similar scenario:

The lightbox action is meant to show a another slide in a lightbox and then the user would click on the red x button to go back to the slide where the lightbox was opened from. Since you attached the lightbox action to the continue button, the user would have no choice but to proceed with the lightbox navigations since clicking the red X would just send him back to slide 1.3. 
If you wish to show the contents of slide 2.1 after the user has correctly answered the interaction, then I would recommend that you instead show the lightbox when the timeline starts and also disable the navigation controls for the lightbox.  

You can do this by doing the following: 

1) Edit the lightbox trigger in the "correct" slide layer. 
2) disable the navigation controls. 
3) Change the when setting to timeline starts
4) change the object to the "correct" layer
5) Add a trigger to the continue button to go to te next slide. 

Daniel Chodos

I am having a similar problem.  Renamed the submit button to MENU and set it to open a menu slide (in a separate scene) as a lightbox navigation menu.  I have triggers on the menu slide buttons to close the lightbox and then go to a specific scene or slide.  

When I preview the project, and click the "MENU" button the menu slide opens in a lightbox as wanted. But, when I click a button on the menu to go to a scene the lightbox doesn't close and the desired slide opens in the lightbox instead.

I am not sure how to fix this.  I have attached an example file.

Peter Anderson

Thanks for the file, Daniel.

It does seem like you're running into the same issue as Steve was, where once you've got the user in the lightbox slide, they're being forced to stay in there. Course creativity isn't my forte, but this might be a time when a custom lightbox might be your best option.

After building it out, you can use it the same way you're currently using the built-in lightbox, but with the custom one, your users will be taken to the actual scene you link them to rather than remaining in the lightbox navigation. 

Think that might work? 

Daniel Chodos

I solved the problem I was having and I think I have found a bug in the process:

Desired effect:  When you click on a "Menu" button a menu slide opens in a lightbox.  The menu has preset locations in the trianing to jump to.  You click on the location in the training you want and jump to it. When you make the jump the lightbox closes.

Menu Setup:  The menu slide is located in its own scene. Each button on the menu slide has two triggers:  1) Close lightbox on click, and 2) Jump to...on click.

  - if you set the "Jump to" trigger to "slide" and specify the slide then it all works properly.

  - if you set the "Jump to" trigger to "scene" and specify a scene to run then the lightbox doesn't close and the scene runs in the lightbox.

I have attached to this post a Lightbox Trigger Test 2 file with the triggers set to "slide" that works perfectly.

The post above with the first Lightbox Trigger Test has the triggers set to "scene" and it doesn't work properly.

Note:  Oh, and sorry for hijacking the original thread.

Daniel Chodos

Well now I have actually had a use for both the Scene in a lightbox and Slide in the main player variations.  Perhaps this isn't a bug, but folks should know the differences in the two settings or questions could come up.

I have a course with a custom menu slide that pops up in a lightbox.  This menu slide is in its own scene.  When I click the buttons on the custom menu slide the course jumps to that location in the training using the jump to "slide" setting and the menu lightbox closes.   

I also have a custom made glossary in its own scene.  Normal progression through the course will display the 3 glossary slides in that scene in as normal slides, however I also have a "glossary" button in the custom menu which is set to jump to the glossary SCENE.  When you click that button the same glossary you see as regular slides now opens as a lightbox and you can move through the 3 glossary slides in the lightbox.  When done you can close the "pop-up" glossary and you are back on last slide you were viewing.  Very slick. 

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