Menu Button sin Storyline not accessible

May 07, 2024

Hello, my course has failed on accessibility due to the grey next and prev buttons on the Storyline menu. They do not pass AA contrast unless the backgound is white or nearly black. There deons't seem to be any way to change the colour of them. Is there a fix for this?

4 Replies
Steven Benassi

Hi Diane!

Happy to help with this!

In Storyline 360 you have the option to switch the background color of the Modern Player between Dark, Light, and Custom. I suggest trying the Light background, so the previous and next buttons are more pronounced.

Please let me know if that works for you!

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Diane,

Have you tried using a tool to suggest the closest color to ensure color contrast?

For example, Contrast Finder will allow you to:

  1. enter your text color and background color (there is a color dropper to help)
  2. set the minimum ratio you'd like to meet (it will default to 4.5)
  3. choose which color to edit, which in this case would be the background color
  4. find valid colors

I'm not sure if this will help with your example, but I know a subtle change is sometimes all that's needed.