Modified Identifier value when republishing SCORM 1.2 course for LMS

Nov 11, 2015

The Storyline publishing guidelines state: "The Identifier field is a unique string of characters assigned by Storyline. Your LMS uses it to identify your content. If you're republishing a course that's already in your LMS, don't change the value in this field."

Why shouldn't you change the Identifier value? Will the LMS be unable to read the course files? Will the course stop tracking properly? What happens? 

1 Reply
Brian Allen

Not sure if all LMS's work this way, but we use SumT LMS, and when we upload a SCORM package SumT literally reads the imsmanifest.xml like a course map of sorts and stores this information somewhere.

When we upload a SCORM package to update existing course content, if anything in the imsmanifest.xml has changed (like the identifier field) SumT will reject the SCORM package and will not update the content.

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