Multiple Resonse Quiz with Multiple Feedback Options

Jan 22, 2021

Hello all,

I have a multiple response quiz set up but the client wants different feedback to appear based on the selections chosen. The correct answer would be A, B, D and they want the following feedback:

[If only one correct response is selected: “This statement is true, but there are additional correct responses. Please try again.”]
[If only two correct responses are selected: “These statements are true, but there are additional correct responses. Please try again.”]
[If “C” is selected in any combination: “You have selected an incorrect response. Please try again.”]

Would variables be the way to go to do this? Is this even possible in SL360? Thanks in advance!

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

Hi, Anji,

Yes, that's doable.

Since you're giving the users multiple attempts, do the following on the Try Again layer:

  • Add the various responses as states to the feedback textbox. For example, have states for OneCorrect, TwoCorrect, and Incorrect.
  • Add triggers with conditions to change the state of the textbox based on which responses are in the selected state. 
    • For example: Change the state of TryAgainFeedback to Incorrect if itemC is selected. 
    • You will need a trigger for each possible response that is partially correct but that doesn't include the one wrong answer. Example:
      • Change the state of TryAgainFeedback to OneCorrect if itemA is selected AND item B is not selected AND item C is not selected AND item D is not selected.
      • Change the state of TryAgainFeedback to OneCorrect if itemB is selected AND item A is not selected AND item C is not selected AND item D is not selected.
      • Change the state of TryAgainFeedback to OneCorrect if itemD is selected AND item A is not selected AND item B is not selected AND item C is not selected.

Note that I used names in my examples. Yup, it helps to give all objects names that make them easy to identify.

BTW, the checkbox items retain their names (default names: Checkbox 1, Checkbox 2, etc.) even when the answered are shuffled. 

Good luck!