Multiple True or False Questions - Need to make this a graded quiz and answer text is not working.

Nov 05, 2021


I'm hoping I can get some help solving a couple bugs on this slide, which I have spent hours trying to fix. Thank you!

I have a slide with 4 True or False questions (attached). When you select either true or false, text slides over that says That's Right or Incorrect. I have the 1st one working properly, but can't get the other three to work like the first one.

#2 Question - the correct answer is True - when you click true, the white box comes over but not the That's Right text - unless you click true one more time (twice).

#3 The same thing happens with #3 as #2.

#4 - The text never comes over, no matter how many times you select the answer "False"

The other thing I'm hoping someone can help me with is how do I make this a graded quiz?

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

Hi, Karen,

There may be an issue with the trigger order and/or what object is selected within a trigger. It's hard to troubleshoot when there are so many objects that all have default names. (I'm not going to check which "Rectangle" is which.) 

It'd be much easier for you to program if you just used 1object for each feedback note, instead of 3. Do that by giving each rectangle "Correct" and "Incorrect" states, then show the appropriate state based on what the user selects. For example: 

Notice that you can also set the Initial state to Hidden. So you don't need triggers to do that. 

You can turn the slide into a graded question by converting it to a Freeform Multi-response Question. There's more info about that in the User Guide: 

Graded questions typically either give feedback after the user clicks Submit and/or during Quiz Review. You'll have to do some tweaking to use your feedback after each T/F is answered.

BTW, you might want to consider setting it up as a multiple-response response question where you ask which statements are true (rather than having True and False buttons for each statement).

Good luck!