New to storyline 2, need help.

Mar 21, 2015

A client send me a template to be used and he specified that it is a storyline 2 file. But the folder is full of .xml files and I've no clue which one will load the template. Also I thought It must be a presenter template but I could open nothing on "custom player" template option too.. Kindly help me out. Tried out everything possible and I'm exhausted :-/

6 Replies
Ralf  Baum

Are you sure that really a template was handed over? The file that you need is a *.storytemplate or at least a *.story file.  With xml-files you can only import a storyline player file but that is not a template.
If you do not find any *.storytemplate or *.story files you should ask again where the template file is located.

Best regards

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